Monday 4 April 2016

Micro Services - Spring Boot, Eureka and Feign - Part 2

In the last post I set up a very basic 'Hello World' Spring Boot REST service running on an EC2 instance. One of the corner stones of Micro Services and Spring Boot is auto discovery of services from a client. In this post I will demonstrate the use of Eureka and Feign to register the Hello Service and automatically discover and call it from a client. Eureka, created by Netflix, runs in the same environment as the micro services. You are likely to want multiple environments - Dev, Test, Production, each with a different set of the services and end points. In a cloud environment, those services and their end points are transient. You may well be spinning up and tearing down instances many times a day in Dev. In production, you may well be autoscaling services across multiple availability zones. The importance of self registering services and auto discovery is evident.

  1. The Spring Boot Hello Service is modified to register itself with another Spring Boot application configured as a Eureka server.
  2. Another Spring Boot app, which implements the Feign client to call the Hello Service, queries the Eureka server asking for the end point of the Hello Service. 
  3. Eureka returns the details of the Hello Service to the client.
  4. The client makes requests to the Hello Service without any prior knowledge as to its whereabouts.

Create the Eureka Server

First of all we'll create and launch the Eureka server in the same environment our Hello Service is running. In a Dev environment we'll probably just want one single Eureka instance but in Production we will want some kind resilience. Eureka handles this with the ability to replicate the service across availability zones. For the purposes of simplicity I won't be covering that in this blog and will just set up a single Eureka instance in a single availability zone.

Eureka is itself run as a simple Spring Boot application. Again, we'll start with the pom.xml and import into an IDE. As with the Hello Service; the key is the parent. This gives us everything we need. This time, I will also pull in the Spring Cloud pom which is a parent of the Eureka server I will implement within the application.

Import this into the IDE, set up a simple package structure and create a class with a main method. This is pretty much exactly the same as our Application class from the Hello service although this time we add the EnableEurekaServer annotation.

As with our previous Spring Boot example I can add an file to the classpath which contains any custom configuration I require. By default the Eureka server will attempt to register itself as a service. It's a simple case to turn that off. I've also added some logging configuration to quiet things down a bit and specified a point through which services and clients will 'talk' to the Eureka service.
And that is it!!!!! Spin up another micro instance, deploy the build and execute it as before. One thing to note is that you'll need to ensure your security groups and VPC subnet configuration allows the Hello Service and Eureka instances to communicate. Obviously, there are many ways to set this up and you'll probably have your own security configuration. As this is just a Dev example, I launched my instances into the same subnet and opened up 8761 to any other instance with the same security group association.

Register the Hello Service with Eureka

Now we'll edit the Hello Service from the previous article and make it register itself with Eureka so that clients can discover its location. To do this we must enable the application as a Eureka Discovery Client with another annotation. Currently, our Hello Service app only has a dependency on Spring Boot. We need to reimport the build file and add a dependency on Spring Cloud and Eureka.

We can add the annotation to the Hello Service Application class telling it to register with Eureka.

By default, the Eureka client will attempt to locate Eureka on localhost. We need to tell it to find Eureka on the instance we are running it on. Depending on your AWS set up you may add the private ip, Elastic ip or domain as a property to the file in the Hello Service classpath.
As you can see, there's an additional configuration to tell Eureka to register the Hello Service by IP address. By default, Eureka will register the machine name. On AWS that's the instance ID. We could force Eureka to register the service with a configured value such as a load balancer or Route 53 domain. As this is only a basic example and the service, client and Eureka server are all in the same subnet, the private IP address of the Hello Service will do.

Start the Eureka and then redeploy and reboot the Hello Service. Watch the logs, you'll see the Hello Service start and after a few seconds it will report a successful registration with Eureka. We can now open a browser and point it at Eureka. This will present us with the management UI and show our Hello Service as the only registered service along with the IP address where the end point can be found.

Eureka UI showing the Hello Service with registered IP address (blurred)

Create a Hello Service Client 

Now the Hello Service is registered with Eureka we can create a client which will call the Hello Service without having any prior knowledge of its whereabouts. To do this we will again use Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and also Feign which will discover the Hello Service end point from Eureka. Once again we'll create a simple Spring Boot project starting with the pom.xml below

Once imported created another Application class, annotated as a SpringBootApplication. We also annotate this class to tell Spring it's a Eureka and Feign client.

We now need to create two more Java types to enable the application to make a call to the Hello Service. First of all, create an interface annotated as a FeignClient. This interface has one method for each service end point or operation, annotated with a RequestMapping bind. This might not seem so obvious because a RequestMapping annotation might more commonly be found on a controller. The presence of this annotation might make you think it is serving the mapping but it simply binds it to the method. Feign understands this and knows to route calls to the method to the remote Hello Service, at the end point discovered from Eureka with the path and mapping described in the annotation. The FeignClient annotation has a value of the name of the service we want to call. Our Hello Service application is named hello-service and we can see the name in the Eureka registry. using this name, Feign will contact Eureka and discover the end point IP address.

We now need a runnable class, Spring Boot supplies the CommandLineRunner stereotype which enforces implementation of a run method. This is called following successful initialization of the Spring Boot application. Our CommandLineRunner implementation simply calls the HelloClient method so that, in this example, the web service call to HelloService is made once on boot up.

Lastly, we just need to the on the classpath. The only configuration we need is to tell the application the location of Eureka server which the EnableEurekaClient annotation will pick up and use.

Nice and simple! If you like, you can build and deploy this and run it in the same way as the other two Spring Boot apps or just run the main method from your IDE. You should see the Client application boot up, contact Eureka, discover the Hello Service end point and call it, which will return the Hello World message. All accomplished without any pre configured address information of the Hello Service itself.


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